Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Me, I’m dishonest. And a dishonest people you can always trust to be dishonest—honestly! It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly… stupid
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I wrote one whole blog post on this and it is extremely weird behaviour, even for me. And this is to account for the abnormal Anwar Nanaki whom you have been interacting with for the past few months ( gosh, it has been more den 1 years).
Anyway, i am going to let everything status quo and not try to be funny.
This too shall pass. I hope. I mean , the whole fluttering thing. I am not sure this is the right thing to be now. Or any time in future for that matter.
LOL, who am i kidding
Monday, February 22, 2010
I realised, that i'm done with drama. Not forgetting faking myself infront of those who i want tho appear with. I believe the time s up. No more faking and pretending to be ok..
It takes so much effort to fake around those you happenened to dislike , dont you think so?
I wondered how these FAKE people do it all the time?..
I've met so many fake people, with their plastic faces and smiles, and i wondered. It must have take plenty of work and effort to go arou nd, "pretending" to like everybody, and assuming that eveyone likes you in return.
Usually you would want to question their motives, why appear fake infront of you, when they dislike you in the very first place?
My Next resolution, Avoiding the fake people all together, not forgetting to simplu cut of the drama, Who needs it!!!..
for your query, no... we dont have any drama, everyone is moving on rather fine, we are just simple and happy, thanks for your concerned though and i appreciate it..
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Being popular can be a bitch , yes, its true you know. The more popular you get, there are people who tend to dislike or hate you. but then again, you cant stop them.
I wanted to write something that probably sounded bitte and rather bitchy, but i find it utterly useless. because i feel that there is no way to please human beings that you came in contact with. Those who like you, good larh. Those who hated your guts or probably your lifestyle, you cant do anything much about it, now can you?
You can't change because "some" people dislike you. I think the need to change is vital, when things get too negative. let say, people mentioned that you are rude, so u can change and be less rude. People mentioned that you are always late, and never come on time, and it drives them nuts!
You have to realise that they are right, and make the effort to come early , for me , i know that i am not the perfect human being. I do have flaws and i admit it, but i can never stopped people from judging me.
I feel that at times when i'm work , i have this sudden mood swings that its inevitable.sometime, i can be so quiet, then i can rather be loud, the next minute, i will be having my dark clouds on top of my head. and i hated it when people ask me why i was moody or quiet.
i wished that i can change something about myself, while i'm at work its draining to have all these moods in just one day.
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Nanaki is a snobbish little prick. :P everyone who knows him can testify to that statement. Why the hell you want to know more about him ?
My History
Woodsville Primary School
Zhenghua Secondary School
ITE College East (simei) Building Services Technology
ITE College Central ( Tampines ) Mechanical Electrical Engineering Drafting
Singapore Polytechnic Logistic Supply Chain Management
RMIT SIM Business Management
Kaplan Academy Logistic Supply Chain Management

A simple Malay Teenagers who has gone through a lot of life..
May seem Mature but he may behave like a small kid
My Future Living

My Future Living Legacy 'Irfan' & 'Sri'
- Running
- Boxing
- Naruto/ Final Fantasy
- Cycling/Rock Climbing
- Rollerblading
- Japanese Anime
Exprience Lifetime..
Andersen Ice Cream
Spagethi Too Express
Malay Wedding Server ( Q Factor )
Bistro Delifrance
Takashimaya PTE LTD
Royce Confenctionery
Sentosa Attraction Management Unit
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My Schedule
My Entlistment 11 July 2008.
ORD 10 May 2010 :)
Designer : Jerry Nanaki ( Anwar Yusoff )
Images : Medical Ninja Specialist